I still
I still see you in,
Could have been
Should have been
Almost was
I still feel you in,
Taste you in,
The salt within my tears
Accept the struggles within
I still see you in,
Could have been
Should have been
Almost was
I still feel you in,
Taste you in,
The salt within my tears
Accept the struggles within
It exist in many forms and should always be unconditionally. It comes from your inner self and is pure and easy to retain. You keep it constantly flowing by exploring you and being you. It’s the way to be free and open minded. At times I am overwhelmed by this open hearted feeling. It fills…
We hadn’t hooked up for many years. Five years ago I saw a glimpse of you, it made me smile inside. Yearning for more. I’ve missed you. Your smile, being balanced, altruistic, loving, caring, understanding, sweet, creative, conscious, spiritual, wise & soothing. I know…. it was my own neglect. It won’t happen again. Now I experience more…
We Crave We Ask Rewards Contentment Declines Acceptance. We Please We Offer Rewards Contentment Declines Acceptance. I Yearn I Take Content & Accepted. –Driandayaba–
The truth will set us free as it being a strong force. The angle in this is many perceptions, enable different truths. Wich ones are deceptions, created by our own minds or of the others. How do we distinguish what is ours, the others or the general truth? Is it the owner of morals who…
Captured by reason blown away into pieces. The rhyme in the song of life keeps me moving. Rationally fed through nurture. Driven by needs and surprised by the unexpected. Senses keep me hostage by carrying a positive rage to consume through my wants. It’s knowingly, willingly and able to. This is, was and will be…
I See I Hear I Feel I Taste I Touch Life as it comes my way. Presence of abundance a peaceful thought. Trust without prove. Being selfish & egoistic as a path to self-worth that leads to sharing unconditionally. Self-control my only real control. Answering the main question:”Am I my own best friend? Accepting what…